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Problem sa slanjem HTML emaila

[es] :: PHP :: Problem sa slanjem HTML emaila

[ Pregleda: 2621 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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icon Problem sa slanjem HTML emaila30.06.2004. u 11:07 - pre 242 meseci
Pozdrav svima

malo je i meni cudno ovo sto cu da pitam ali evo kako stvari stoje

saljem funkcijom mail(); HTMl e-mail poruku sa sajta

meni je sve u redu
i u Eudori i u Outlooku dobijam html email kakav i treba
ali takav email ne dobija svako
neko dobije samo html code i to na nista ne lici

Zna li neko sta moze biti problem

evo kako to radim, najrpostiji primer:

<table border=1 width=200>
<td height=120><b>TEST</b></td>
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$headers.= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers.= "From: email<[email protected]>\r\n";
@mail($kome, $subject, $body, $headers);

zatim sam pronasao nesto ovako:

$Sender = "[email protected]";
$Recipiant = "[email protected]";
$Cc = "";
$Bcc = "";

$textVersion = "Hello World!";
$htmlVersion = "<font face='verdana' color='blue'><b>Hello World</b><br>
<table border=1 width=400>
<td>Ime:</td><td>Hello World</td>
$msg = new Email($Recipiant, $Sender, "Proba!");
$msg->Cc = $Cc;
$msg->Bcc = $Bcc;
$msg->SetMultipartAlternative($textVersion, $htmlVersion);
$SendSuccess = $msg->Send();

//** ©William Fowler ([email protected])
//** MAY 13/2004, Version 1.1
//** - added support for CC and BCC fields.
//** - added support for multipart/alternative messages.
//** - added ability to create attachments manually using literal content.
//** DECEMBER 15/2003, Version 1.0

if(isset($GLOBALS["emailmsgclass_php"])) { return; } //** onlyinclude once.
$GLOBALS["emailmsgclass_php"] = 1; //** filewas included.

//** the newline character(s) to be used when generating an email message.

define("EmailNewLine", "\r\n");

//** the unique X-Mailer identifier for emails sent with this tool.

define("EmailXMailer", "PHP-EMAIL,v1.1 (William Fowler)");

//** the default charset values for both text and HTML emails.

define("DefaultCharset", "iso-8859-1");

//** The Email class wrappers PHP's mail function into a class capable of
//** sending attachments and HTML email messages. Custom headers can also be
//** included as if using the mail function.

class Email
//** (String) the recipiant email address, or comma separated addresses.

var $To = null;

//** (String) the recipiant addresses to receive a copy. Can be a comma
//** separated addresses.

var $Cc = null;

//** (String) the recipiant addresses to receive a hidden copy. Can be a
//** comma separated addresses.

var $Bcc = null;

//** (String) the email address of the message sender.

var $From = null;

//** (String) the subject of the email message.

var $Subject = null;

//** (String) body content for the message. Must be plain text or HTML based
//** on the 'TextOnly' field. This field is ignored if
//** SetMultipartAlternative() is called with valid content.

var $Content = null;

//** an array of EmailAttachment instances to be sent with this message.

var $Attachments;

//** any custom header information that must be used when sending email.

var $Headers = null;

//** whether email to be sent is a text email or a HTML email.

var $TextOnly = true;

//** the charset of the email to be sent (initially none, let type decide).

var $Charset = null;

//** Create a new email message with the parameters provided.

function Email($to=null, $from=null, $subject=null, $headers=null)
$this->To = $to;
$this->From = $from;
$this->Subject = $subject;
$this->Headers = $headers;

//** create an empty array for attachments. NULL out attachments used for
//** multipart/alternative messages initially.

$this->Attachments = Array();
$this->Attachments["text"] = null;
$this->Attachments["html"] = null;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Set this email message to contain both text and HTML content.
//** If successful all attachments and content are ignored.

function SetMultipartAlternative($text=null, $html=null)
//** non-empty content for the text and HTML version is required.

if(strlen(trim(strval($html))) == 0 || strlen(trim(strval($text))) == 0)
return false;
//** create the text email attachment based on the text given and the standard
//** plain text MIME type.

$this->Attachments["text"] = new EmailAttachment(null, "text/plain");
$this->Attachments["text"]->LiteralContent = strval($text);

//** create the html email attachment based on the HTML given and the standard
//** html text MIME type.

$this->Attachments["html"] = new EmailAttachment(null, "text/html");
$this->Attachments["html"]->LiteralContent = strval($html);

return true; //** operation was successful.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Create a new file attachment for the file (and optionally MIME type)
//** given. If the file cannot be located no attachment is created and
//** FALSE is returned.

function Attach($pathtofile, $mimetype=null)
//** create the appropriate email attachment. If the attachment does not
//** exist the attachment is not created and FALSE is returned.

$attachment = new EmailAttachment($pathtofile, $mimetype);
return false;
$this->Attachments[] = $attachment; //** add the attachment to list.
return true; //** attachment successfully added.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the email message is ready to be sent. A TO and
//** FROM address are required.

function IsComplete()
return (strlen(trim($this->To)) > 0 && strlen(trim($this->From)) > 0);
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Attempt to send the email message. Attach all files that are currently
//** valid. Send the appropriate text/html message. If not complete FALSE is
//** returned and no message is sent.

function Send()
if(!$this->IsComplete()) //** message is not ready to send.
return false; //** no message will be sent.

//** generate a unique boundry identifier to separate attachments.

$theboundary = "-----" . md5(uniqid("EMAIL"));

//** the from email address and the current date of sending.

$headers = "Date: " . date("r", time()) . EmailNewLine .
"From: $this->From" . EmailNewLine;

//** if a non-empty CC field is provided add it to the headers here.

if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Cc))) > 0)
$headers .= "CC: $this->Cc" . EmailNewLine;

//** if a non-empty BCC field is provided add it to the headers here.

if(strlen(trim(strval($this->Bcc))) > 0)
$headers .= "BCC: $this->Bcc" . EmailNewLine;

//** add the custom headers here, before important headers so that none are
//** overwritten by custom values.

if($this->Headers != null && strlen(trim($this->Headers)) > 0)
$headers .= $this->Headers . EmailNewLine;

//** determine whether or not this email is mixed HTML and text or both.

$isMultipartAlternative = ($this->Attachments["text"] != null &&
$this->Attachments["html"] != null);

//** determine the correct MIME type for this message.

$baseContentType = "multipart/" . ($isMultipartAlternative ?
"alternative" : "mixed");

//** add the custom headers, the MIME encoding version and MIME typr for the
//** email message, the boundry for attachments, the error message if MIME is
//** not suppported.

$headers .= "X-Mailer: " . EmailXMailer . EmailNewLine .
"MIME-Version: 1.0" . EmailNewLine .
"Content-Type: $baseContentType; " .
"boundary=\"$theboundary\"" . EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;

//** if a multipart message add the text and html versions of the content.

//** add the text and html versions of the email content.

$thebody = "--$theboundary" . EmailNewLine .
$this->Attachments["text"]->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine .
"--$theboundary" . EmailNewLine .
$this->Attachments["html"]->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine;
//** if either only html or text email add the content to the email body.

//** determine the proper encoding type and charset for the message body.

$theemailtype = "text/" . ($this->TextOnly ? "plain" : "html");
if($this->Charset == null)
$this->Charset = DefaultCharset;

//** add the encoding header information for the body to the content.

$thebody = "--$theboundary" . EmailNewLine .
"Content-Type: $theemailtype; charset=$this->Charset" .
EmailNewLine . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" .
EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine . $this->Content .
EmailNewLine . EmailNewLine;

//** loop over the attachments for this email message and attach the files
//** to the email message body. Only if not multipart alternative.

foreach($this->Attachments as $attachment)
//** check for NULL attachments used by multipart alternative emails. Do not
//** attach these.

if($attachment != null)
$thebody .= "--$theboundary" . EmailNewLine .
$attachment->ToHeader() . EmailNewLine;
//** end boundry marker is required.

$thebody .= "--$theboundary--";

//** attempt to send the email message. Return the operation success.

return mail($this->To, $this->Subject, $thebody, $headers);

//** The EmailAttachment class links a file in the file system to the
//** appropriate header to be included in an email message. if the file does
//** not exist the attachment will not be sent in any email messages. It can
//** also be used to generate an attachment from literal content provided.

class EmailAttachment
//** (String) the full path to the file to be attached.

var $FilePath = null;

//** (String) the MIME type for the file data of this attachment.

var $ContentType = null;

//** binary content to be used instead the contents of a file.

var $LiteralContent = null;

//** Creates a new email attachment ffrom the file path given. If no content
//** type is given the default 'application/octet-stream' is used.

function EmailAttachment($pathtofile=null, $mimetype=null)
//** if no MIME type is provided use the default value specifying binary data.
//** Otherwise use the MIME type provided.

if($mimetype == null || strlen(trim($mimetype)) == 0)
$this->ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
$this->ContentType = $mimetype;

$this->FilePath = $pathtofile; //** save the path to the file attachment.
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether literal content is provided and should be used as the
//** attachment rather than a file.

function HasLiteralContent()
return (strlen(strval($this->LiteralContent)) > 0);
//** Returns: String
//** Get the binary string data to be used as this attachment. If literal
//** content is provided is is used, otherwise the contents of the file path
//** for this attachment is used. If no content is available NULL is returned.

function GetContent()
//** non-empty literal content is available. Use that as the attachment.
//** Assume the user has used correct MIME type.

return $this->LiteralContent;

//** no literal content available. Try to get file data.

if(!$this->Exists()) //** file does not exist.
return null; //** no content is available.
//** open the file attachment in binary mode and read the contents.

$thefile = fopen($this->FilePath, "rb");
$data = fread($thefile, filesize($this->FilePath));
return $data;
//** Returns: Boolean
//** Determine whether or not the email attachment has a valid, existing file
//** associated with it.

function Exists()
if($this->FilePath == null || strlen(trim($this->FilePath)) == 0)
return false;
return file_exists($this->FilePath);
//** Returns: String
//** Generate the appropriate header string for this email attachment. If the
//** the attachment content does not exist NULL is returned.

function ToHeader()
$attachmentData = $this->GetContent(); //** get content for the header.
if($attachmentData == null) //** no valid attachment content.
return null; //** no header can be generted.

//** add the content type and file name of the attachment.

$header = "Content-Type: $this->ContentType;";

//** if an attachment then add the appropriate disposition and file name(s).

$header .= " name=\"" . basename($this->FilePath) . "\"" . EmailNewLine .
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" .
basename($this->FilePath) . "\"";
$header .= EmailNewLine;

//** add the key for the content encoding of the attachment body to follow.

$header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . EmailNewLine .

//** add the attachment data to the header. encode the binary data in BASE64
//** and break the encoded data into the appropriate chunks.

$header .= chunk_split(base64_encode($attachmentData), 76, EmailNewLine) .

return $header; //** return the headers generated by file.
ali ni ovo ne radi

zna li neko sta moze da bude u pitanju??
Odgovor na temu

Aleksic Goran

Član broj: 3189
Poruke: 190



icon Re: Problem sa slanjem HTML emaila30.06.2004. u 12:29 - pre 242 meseci
evo sta treba da posaljes.

1. header
2. Content-Type: multipart/alternative

3. boundary za multipart/alternative prvi put

4. Content-Type: text/plain;
5. txt poruka

6. boundary za multipart/alternative drugi put

7. Content-Type: multipart/related
8. boundary za multipart/related prvi put
9. Content-Type: text/html
10. html poruka
11. boundary za multipart/related drugi put
12. Content-Type: image/gif
13. slika
14. boundary za multipart/related treci put

15. boundary za multipart/alternative treci put

prebacio sam ga u attachovani txt, da smanjim "visinu" poruke

ne znam koliko ja tebi pomazem, koliko sam ti jasan. naime, ne bih da puno teoretisem, kad i nisam neki mnogo pametan, pa zato kao pokusavam da malo 'uprostim' stvar.

ako zelis ovaj mail ceo da vidis, idi na i posalji mi poruku. dobices ovaj email na adresu koju budes naveo kao svoju, pa mu vidi source. - Linux hosting solucije
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[es] :: PHP :: Problem sa slanjem HTML emaila

[ Pregleda: 2621 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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